Rotary club of Yamatotakada
Rotary Club of Yamatotakada

(創立)Since March 28,1961Latest Update2014/Aug.14/English Version of this Page(英語版)/exciteの翻訳サイト
Top Page of websiteGreeting of PresidentIntroduce of club-bannerGuidance of Club/Boad of Directors/Atendance reportPast Presidents & Past SecretariesCommittees/Activities
Annual Schedule/Photos & ArchiveWeekly Bulletins & ArchiveMembers with VocationInformations of RotaryGuidance for New memberRotary Scholarship, Exchange student, GSE & Sister club
Infomation of Sister ClubInformation of NeighborhoodsLink of websitePlaza of members(for members only)Sitemap of this web
(Editor: Hiroshi Sugita)
To National song of AustrailiaSister ClubTo National song of Japan
Be Explained the world anthem when you click each National flag.
World Anthem

International Friendship of Sister club
Since 4th April, 1995
 Japan Today(Japan News and Discussion) GaijinPot (Live Work Play in Japan) in English
This page sends infomations about the sister club with Rotary Club of Lismore West as international friendship.
Lismore NSW Australia

本ページは国際友好としオーストラリアNSW リズモー市のRotary Club of Lismore Westとの姉妹クラブに関する情報であります。

| Latest News |(最新ニュース |
| Agreement of Sister Club | Document&Infomation | Guidance of Sightseeing | Memorial Album | Where is Lismore city? |
|  (姉妹クラブの同意書)   |  (資料と活動報告)  |     (観光案内)    |(思い出のアルバム)| (リズモー市はどこ?) |
| Organization of Board & Committee | Members of Yamatotakada RC | RID2650 Govener Office | Website of Lismore West RC |
| (大和高田RCの理事会・委員会構成) | (大和高田RCの会員リスト) |(RID2650ガバナー事務所)|(リズモー西RCのHP)| 
| Link of Member’s website of Club | History of Sister Club(EN/JP)|Sister city of Yamatotakada city| Rotary Song&lyrics |
| (大和高田会員のホームページ) | (姉妹クラブの歴史 英文/和文)|( 大和高田市の姉妹都市)|(手に手つないで&歌詞
 Please Download:Adobe Reader(for reading of PDF files)/AdbeFlash Player/Shockwave Player For English ⇒For Japanese
Click to large sizeClick to large sizeClick to large size
"The Christmas Illuminations 2010" The Clinic of MASUOKA(by Dr. .Susumu Masuoka)

logo of Rotary Friendship Exchange Reference
1.What's Rotary Friend Ship? Japanese/English
2.Guidance of RFE Japanese/English(ppt file)
Latest News(最新ニュース)
15/Feb/2011:Revised Page of Rotary song /add to Itinery of Japan-Tower as follows
13/Mar/2011:Add the pictures of 50th Anniversary of Yamatotakada RC

The Commemorative Ceremony of the 50th Anniversary of Both Rotary Clubs
Congratulation/The 50 Anniversary of both club

○Members of both clubs are going to come to the each Ceremony of 50th Anniversary
The 50th Anniversary of Rotary Club of Yamatotakada
・Place(場所):Kashihara Royal Hotel
Map(地図)652-2 Kume Kashihara NARA 634-0063 Japan
・Phone(電話):(0744)28-6636/ FAX:(0744)28-6644

The 50th Anniversary of Rotary Club of Lismore West
・Date(日付):4th/June/2011, 18:00〜
・Place(会場):The Lismore Workers Club
Map(地図)231-235 Keen St Lismore NSW 2480 Australia
Recent Events of the 50th Anniversary
1.Let's Enjoy with Orchestra for 1,000 schoolchilds of sixth grade of an elementary school(Monami Hall of Kashiba City 27/Oct./2010)

2.The Ability Noh for 1,000 of the junior high school students(Sazanka Hall of Yamatotakada City 23/ Dec./ 2010)

 Itinerary of Japan-Tour
       (10th-21st March)
    Rotary Club of Lismore West

 Day          Events
 10:Arrive at Kansai International Airport(18:20)
 12-14:Nara/The 50th Anniversary Ceremony
 14-15: Kyoto
 15-16: Hikone
 16-18: Hida-Takayama
 18-19: Fuji-Hakone
 19-21: Tokyo
 21: Leave from Narita International Airport(20:25)

▼Pray For Japan We're not alone.
Thank you for your supports from the world (YouTube)
The 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake and Tunami
Introduce of Nara History exchange between Japan and AsiaVideo(English/Japanese)
History of friendship of Sister Cubs(English/Japanese)
Overview Of Sister Club(姉妹クラブ概要)
 The Rotary Club of YamatoTakada, Rotary International District 2650 in YamatoTakada city Japan and the Rotary Club of Lismore West, Rotary International District 9640, Lismore city, Australia have been agreed the RESOLUTION which was signed by both Sister Clubs, in accordance with the decision of boards and support of the all the members of both Club on 4th April,1995.  Now, Both Clubs agreed the renewal Agreement of sister club on 1st June,2010
It is our purpose to promote friendly relations and mutual understanding between Australia and Japan and to use our joint efforts for the prosperity of both countries so that both clubs may contribute for the promotion of the world peace and for the development of the Rotary International.
Agreement Of Sister Club(姉妹クラブ締結書)
和文(Japanese) 英文(English)

The Rotary Club of Yamato-Takada District 2650
The Rotary Club of Lismore West District 9640

 国際ロータリー第9640地区、オーストラリア、リズモ―市のリズモ―西ロータリー・クラブと国際ロータリー第2650地区、日本、大和高田市の大和高田ロータリー・クラブは,1995年4月4日にクラブの全てのメンバーの支持と理事会の決議によって署名された姉妹クラブのRESOLUTION(決議書)を承認してきました。両クラブは、ここに、新姉妹クラブ関係を締結し、下記の更新された条項を約定する。   The Rotary Club of Yamato-Takada, Rotary International District 2650 in Yamato-Takada city Japan and the Rotary Club of Lismore West , Rotary International District 9640, Lismore city, Australia have been agreed the RESOLUTION which was signed by both Sister Clubs, in accordance with the decision of boards and support of the all the members of both Club on 4th April,1995. Now, Both Club hereby declare the new formation of Sister Club Relationship under the following renewal Provisions,
第一条 目  的;
Paragraph1; Purpose
It is our purpose to promote friendly relations and mutual understanding between Australia and Japan and to use our joint efforts for the prosperity of both countries so that both clubs may contribute for the promotion of the world peace and for the development of the Rotary International.
第二条 姉妹クラブの期間;

Paragraph2; Term of Sister Club
5(five) years from March 13th, 2011 to June 30th,2016. But prior to the
terminating of the full term, it will be renewable by the mutual consent
of both Clubs.
When either club decide to terminate the relationship as sister club, they should notify the sister club at least 3(three) months prior to terminating the relationship and cooperate in all the formalities of termination.
第三条 友好交換活動;
Paragraph3; Friendship Exchange Activities
1)The Parties mutually agree to exchange bulletins, membership lists, other publications, slides, and recorded CDs and/or DVDs suitable for the achievement of the stated purpose.
2)The Parties also mutually agree to exchange information related to their respective activities and to report the information to their members through their bulletins and/or their website of each Rotary Club.
3)それぞれのクラブの会員が一方の市またはその地区を訪問する時はいつでもその姉妹クラブの定例会議に出席するよう出来るだけの努力を払い、訪問より戻った時は自分のクラブの会議にてそれを報告する。 3)Whenever members of each club visit in the other city or district, they will make every possible effort to attend the regular meeting of the Sister Club, and on their return home, they will report it at their club meeting.
4)姉妹クラブの会員が一方の姉妹クラブの会員の訪問を受けた時には訪問を受ける側は訪問側のビジネス、又は観光に対して便宜と援助を提供する為に最善の努力を約束する。 4)When members of one sister club will get the visit of members of the other sister club, they will do their possible efforts for offering convenience and assistance to their business or/and sightseeing.

5)Both Sister Clubs will report regularly to their Governors on the status of the Sister Club relationship.

In honor of the sister club relationship, each club will make its members be ever conscious about his relation and observe the anniversary of the conclusion of the agreement by presenting an appropriate program at the first regular meeting in March and/or June each year.
この締結書は日英両文にて作成され、両会長が署名し、両姉妹クラブに保管されねばならない。 This declaration will be written both in English and Japanese, signed by both Presidents and kept on file in both Sister Clubs.
Date 1st June, 2010  Date 27st May, 2010 

Rotary club of Yamatotakada
Hiroshi Sugita

Rotary club of Lismore West
Jone Egglestone
  Agreement of sister club⇒for printing

Document & Activity of Club(資料と活動情報)
■Documents(included agreement documents between both clubs)
 Agreement of Sister club and other documents  (keep in Internet Strage)(2010/June/01)
  ○ Report of 2009-'10 Annual Activity of Yamatotakata RC PDF(Japanese)

▼Archive with photos/slideshows
 Annual Event Schedule of Rotary Club of Yamatotakada PDF(for 2009-2010 year in Japanese)
 Annual Event Schedule of Rotary Club of Yamatotakada for this year
 Photo Show of Archive Activity of Yamatotakada RC  (since 2003/2004-2009/2010 year)

■Membership / Board of Directors/Bulletin
Rotary Club of Yamatotakada
 ○ Past Presidents  &  Secretaries of Yamatotakada RC Web page(1961-2010 year)
 ○ Latest Membership ,Board, Committees of Yamatotakada RC PDF(01/Oct/2010)
 ○ Committees &Board of Yamatotakada RC Web page
 ○ Bulletin of Yamatotakada RC (Japanese) PDF
 ○ Event of Yamatotakada RC Web page
 ○ Annual Report of 2009-10 year of Yamatotakada RC(Japanese) PDF(2009-'10年度の年間報告概要書)

Rotary Club of Lismore West(by Website of RC of Lismore West )
 ○ Past Presidents of Lismore West RC
 ○ Latest Membership list of Lismore West RC PDF(01/July/2010)
 ○ Committee of Lismore West RC PDF(01/July/2010)
 ○ Bulletin of Lismore West RC PDF(latest issued)
 ○ Annual Report of 2009-10 year of Lismore West RC PDF
■Referance of Internatinal/Community Service Activty(リズモー西クラブの海外奉仕活動の一例:個人寄付も可能)
 ○ Sustainable CAMBODIA (Website by Rotary Club)/Donation
 ○ Sustainable CAMBODIA by RC of Lismore West PPT(from Mr.Hargreves(13/April/2010)

Guidance Of Sightseeing(観光案内)
Guidance Of Sightseeing(観光案内)
 ○ Sightseeing of NARA(in English)
 ○ Sightseeing of KANSAI JAPAN(in English)
 ○ Sightseeing of OSAKA(in English)
 ○ Sightseeing of KYOTO(in English)
 ○ Japan Tourism Agency(in English)観光庁
 ○ The 1300th Anniversary of NARA Heijyo-kyo Capital(in English)(Mar.-Nov. 2010)
 ○ Hotels in Lismore(in English)
Memorial Album(思い出のアルバム)

Pictures & Movies


Click to Large size 600x417   Click to Large size 600x417
↑Tea Ceremony at Kashihara Hotel
Ross & Rhonda Hayes ,Laurie & Penny Orchard, Doc & Christine Dorahy, Elio & Corralie Zambelli and Graeme Hargreaves from RC of Lismore West(13/Mar./2011)
↑The Commemorative Ceremony of the 50th Anniversary of Yamatotakada RC at Kashihara Royal Hotel NARA
K.Takemura, T.Shimomura, S.Murashima, M.Sakamoto
Y.Koumura ,H.Sugita, S.Yoshimura(13/Mar.2011)
Click to Large size 600x417
Kashihara Royal Hotel NARA (13/Mar./2011) Pray for Japan in Enlish.(11/Mar.2011)

Click to Large size 600x417
↑Mr.Graeme Hargreves visits at Weekly meeting.
↑Sugita/ Hargreves/Murashima/Ikeuchi(13/Apr/2010)

(Renewal agreement was issuedon 1st June 2010)
↑2009-'10 Annual Activity

↑[Speech at weekly meeting]
Mr.Graeme Hargreves(13/Apr/2010)

We confirmed to re-start with new Agreement of Sister club
Renewal Agreement(PDF) History of sister club(PDF)
Click to Large size 600x417
↑The Commemorative Ceremony of 40th Anniversary
of Yamatotakada(28/Mar/2001)
↑Mr.& Mrs. Ian & Pam Campbell, Cec & Joan Denny, Rod &Vicki Fayle
 and Graeme & Hargreaves(8 Rotarians of Lismore-W attended) 

Australia Tour June/1999( Watch on the bellowing YouTube)
Australia-Tour (8-13/June/1999)
Watch on YouTube(by H.Sugita)
Check detail map if click on Lismore(リズモー
Map of Australia 
Click to Large size 600x415
↑Members and families of Yamatotakada RC visit at weekly meeting of Lismore West RC(8/June/1999)

Click to Album of Australia Tour in June1999(PDF)
Click to Large size 600x408
↑Welcome Lismore City Council (at Taima-dera)(19/Oct./1997)
Members of Lismore's Ward⇒Please Click here(PDF)
Attended as The 35 Anniversary of sister cities
↑吉川春夫会長夫妻、松井憲三元会長、中井博元会長、村島靖一郎元会長、甲村侑男直前幹事親子、杉田博直前国際委員長、玉井庄平国際奉仕委員長、枡岡進国際副委員長夫妻、森田通規夫妻(全13名) ↑リズモー市市会議員団とホスト(於)當麻寺奥院

Click to Large size 600x431 Click to Large size 600x373
↑Members and families(12people) of Lismore WestRC visit Todaiji NARA
↑Members and families of Yamatotakada RC visit
Lismore West RC(5/Jan/1996)
Each president of Rotary club signed on Agreement of sister club
on 4th April 1995.
Nara Newspapers(carried on the four newspapers)
↑村島靖一郎会長夫妻、池内博彦幹事親子孫、枡岡進国際委員長夫妻、玉井庄平国際副委員長、森田通規副会計夫妻、甲村侑男夫妻(於)リズモー市レセプションホール(全12名)  ↑Mr.& Mrs. Ross & Pat Wilson, James & Elaine Gordon, David & Ros Rutherford and Keith & Judy Parry , Mr.Norm Robinson and Graeme Hargreaves(8 people)



↑Members and families of Yamatotakada RC visit Lismore West RC(20/May/1993)


Where is Lismore City?(リズモー市はどこにあるの?)
Lismore City NSW Austrailia
Embassy of Australia in Japan(在日オーストラリア大使館)
Embassy of Japan in Australia(在豪日本大使館)
 ©2001- YAMATO-TAKADA Rotary Club All Rights Reserved
Map of Lismore NSW Australia